Exciting! Surprising! Most Recommendable! Very high self discipline, physical and spiritual-come and see!
Yuen Chan, Hong Kong, 11 February 2002
I liked its power. Whoever does it must have a strong mind to make a strong & healthy body. I am really glad I saw Kalarippayat in its real form
Tine Mendonck, Belgium, 4 September 2001
Thank you very much for the opportunity to study Kalarippayat and to learn about Indian Culture and Tradition
Thersa Ohmit. USA Student of Ens Kalari., 26 December 1999
I am ever so grateful for showing of your wonderful art. I have trained in martial arts for over 25 years and have obtained master level in two of them. I can clearly see that Kalarippayat is the mother of all the martial arts that I have studied.
Dr.Richard Van Donk 10 dan Ninjutsu USA,14 December 1999
I have never seen anything like this art in my life before
Tiny Waslanden, Amstardam, Holland. 31 January 1996
Amazing flexibility and agility of all the dedicated practitioners. Very enjoyable and Fantastic
Anna Maria O’ Connell, Ireland, 10 August 1994.
Kalarippayat is a very interesting martial art, which shows a great range of technique in both weapons and unarmed combats. Great concentration and skill.
Ben Schorrkon,Cambridge,England. 3 January 1993.